Australian icon Pete Murray heading to Panthers! 

Pete Murray is heading to Penrith!  We are teaming up once again with Panthers to give away two double passes and some free merch!

To go in to the draw, simply email us at with your favourite Pete Murray song in the subject heading by midnight on March 18. 

Pete Murray is one of an elite group of Australian artists to have sold over 1.2 million records across his illustrious, 20-plus year career in music. He also achieved 3 ARIA chart-topping albums to date (2003’s FEELER, 2006’s SEE THE SUN and 2008’s Summer at Eureka) and has been nominated for a whopping 17 ARIA Awards.

Pete is one of Australia’s most loved singer songwriters. The quiet achiever of Australian music is committed to constantly growing and evolving as an artist and gets a thrill from offering fans new and exciting material with each release.

Renowned for his meaningful song writing, Pete’s songs cut to the core of human experience while also providing hope and helping listeners find he strength to carry on through rough times.

Nepean News spoke with Pete about his amazing career.

1. As a child, did you dream of being an artist or did you have other plans/goals?

Haha no way did I ever think I would be an artist. My first dream was to be an astronaut and a world champion surfer. I watched a movie about an astronaut and a surfer. I can’t remember what they were but I was obviously taken by both careers. The surfer one was a funny one because I lived in a small country town called Miles and there was no surf for miles!

2. What has been your most most enjoyable career moment?

I have done a lot of fantastic things in my career, playing in festivals around the world and having thousands of people at gigs singing my lyrics back to me but the thing I love the best is having my family come to my shows and sing with me. My eldest son Charlie has started playing with me a lot now which is so cool. Just having my family there at shows enjoying themselves is great. 

3. What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you  (whilst on tour perhaps?) 

After being on the road for some time I woke up in a hotel apartment one night and needed to go to the toilet. As I got out of bed I walked straight into the wall. I stopped and thought what the hell is going on. I thought where am I? What Hotel am I in? What city am I in? What country am I in? I had no idea where I was. I had to go to the window, and I looked out the window for about 3 – 4 minutes until I realised I was back home in Australia in Sydney. Then I just had to find the light switch and then the toilet! 

4. How did you cope during lockdown?

Living in Byron Bay during lockdown was actually pretty good. We could get out and go the beach for a surf. It was pretty amazing seeing the town so dead which it never is. I also worked on some new music which was good. 

5. What can people going to the gig at Panthers expect from your show? 

My band is one of the best in the county so it’s pretty amazing to watch them play. Also lots of old songs and lots of singing along. I really work at getting the crowd involved so they feel like they are part of the show not just watching it.

6. What’s your favourite song to perform?

There’s a few. I like songs that people sing along to like Better Days, Opportunity, Feeler and So Beautiful but I also like playing songs like Fall Your Way which lets the band off the leash and has a great groove.