Bonnie’s Brush with a Plover: A Tale of Triumph

By Kellie Tickner, Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital Administrator

BONNIE, a spirited five-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, had an encounter that her owners will never forget. What started as a typical day outdoors quickly turned into a harrowing experience when Bonnie crossed paths with a territorial plover. Known for their defensive nature, these birds can be fiercely protective of their space, and Bonnie unknowingly ventured too close.

The plover, equipped with a long, sharp beak, reacted instinctively, delivering a peck to Bonnie’s eye. The impact was immediate and severe—Bonnie’s eye became cloudy and began discharging as a result of the trauma. Unfortunately, the force of the plover’s beak had ruptured Bonnie’s cornea, causing significant damage.

Dr Lydia and Dr Camille quickly assessed Bonnie’s condition and determined that enucleation, the surgical removal of the affected eye, was necessary. This procedure is a permanent solution to many eye diseases and injuries, especially when there is unmanageable pain or damage beyond repair.

After surgery, Dr. Lydia examined the injured eye and found that the lens had also been damaged and was missing a piece. This meant that not only had the cornea been pierced, but the lens had also suffered significant trauma. The discovery confirmed that enucleation was the best course of action for Bonnie, ensuring that she would no longer be in pain.

Enucleation, though it may sound daunting, is a procedure that can greatly improve a dog’s quality of life. In cases like Bonnie’s, where the eye is beyond healing and causing pain, removing it can provide immense relief. The surgery is performed to eliminate the source of pain and prevent any further complications, ensuring that the dog can live comfortably with just one eye. Remarkably, dogs adapt well to life after enucleation, often returning to their normal activities with renewed energy.

Bonnie’s surgery was successful, and she is now recovering safely at home, far from the plovers that caused her injury. Her resilience and positive spirit have been evident throughout her recovery. Whilst losing an eye is never an easy experience, Bonnie’s owners are relieved to see her out of pain and on the mend.

As we come into breeding season, remember to keep an ‘eye out’ for swooping birds. Bonnie’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of quick action and veterinary care when unexpected injuries occur. Thanks to the dedicated team at Orchard Hills Vet Hospital, Bonnie is now on the road to recovery, ready to enjoy life with the same enthusiasm as before, although with one less eye.

As Bonnie continues to heal, her story will undoubtedly be shared as a testament to the strength and resilience of our beloved pets, who, even in the face of adversity, continue to bring joy and love into our lives.