Local players chosen for hockey world cup

 Erin and Caitlin Burns celebrating a previous victory.  Photo supplied.

Four players from the Nepean Hockey Association, including sisters Erin and Caitlin Burns, along with Emma McLeish and Emma Leard, have all been chosen in the Australian Indoor Women’s Hockey team, which will compete at the 2023 FIH Indoor Hockey World Cup in Pretoria, South Africa, from 5th-11th February.

Caitlin was first selected in a New South Wales team in U14’s in 2008, and played in various junior State teams. Her senior representation since 2013: U21’s State teams in both 2013 and 2014, before commencing in Opens at the 2014/2015 Nationals. Caitlin has since played in NSW Opens every year from 2015-2023 (with 2021 and 2022 being cancelled due to COVID).

Selected in the Australian Development Squad 2015-2016 season, Caitlin represented in Australian Indoor Women’s Team Tours, South Africa Four Nations Tournament 2016, AUS Women’s National Development Team vs USA National Indoor Team Tour Pennsylvania 2017, Australian Open Women Tour – Vienna Classic 2019 (Winners of the tournament), 2020 selected in the Australian Open Women World Cup Squad, named in the Australian Women’s World Cup Team for 2023 after selection camps in 2022

Erin was selected as a shadow (reserve) in junior NSW teams and made her debut in the 2013 U21’s NSW team. She was in U21 NSW teams 2013-2015 and Open NSW teams 2016-2023 (with 2021 and 2022 being cancelled due to COVID), selected in the Australian Open Women’s squad and also toured with the Australian Open Women’s team to the Vienna Classic in 2019 (Winners of the tournament), selected in the Australian Open Women World Cup Squad in 2020 and again named in the Australian Women’s World Cup Team for 2023, following selection camps in 2022.

Australian Women’s Indoor Hockey head coach Mark Sandhu announced the team of 12 athletes and two travelling reserves, 11 of which have represented Australia previously.

“This is a strong team that combines experience with up and coming talent, to give us the best chance of success at the World Cup,” said Sandhu.

“The selection process has been difficult, considering the need to pivot to cater for the World Cup being brought forward.

“It has taken two selection camps to narrow the squad down from 34 to 12. The quality and depth of the squad is the best it has ever been, which made the final stage of selections extremely tough.”

The NSW contingent is Caitlin Burns (Nepean), Erin Burns (Nepean), Litiana Field, Estelle Hughes, Kelsey Hughes, Emma McLeish (Nepean), Emma Scriven, Travelling reserve: Amelia Leard (Nepean).

Sandhu commended the Indoor Advisory Group and the national selectors across the country, who have been integral in assisting in the selection process.

The World Cup will include 12 teams from 5 Federations and every match will be streamed on https://watch.hockey

FIH Indoor Hockey World Cup 2023 – Australian Women’s Pool Matches

Australia v United States; 5 Feb 2023, Start Time 10:50am local (7:50pm AEDT)

New Zealand v Australia; 6 Feb 2023, Start Time 9:20pm local (8 Feb 6:20am AEDT)

Australia v Netherlands; 7 Feb 2023, Start Time 10:50am local (7:50pm AEDT)

South Africa v Australia; 8 Feb 2023, Start Time 8:10pm local (9 Feb 5:10am AEDT)

Australia v Austria; 9 Feb 2023, Start Time 1:10pm local (10:10pm AEDT)