The future of health care has arrived at Nepean Hospital as hundreds of patients and staff move into a brand new 14 storey tower.
Over six years in the making, the 21st century hospital has been designed with and for the patients and staff.
“This a bold initiative that not only delivers a modern health care facility for local residents but is a beacon for clinical training and international research which will benefit generations to come,” says Brett Williams, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Director of Hospital Services and Nepean Hospital General Manager.
The new hospital clinical tower, Building A, is opening in stages with the first patients and staff moving early last week.
One of the first patients to move into the new building is Ralph, who is quite familiar with the old Nepean Hospital. Ralph says his bright and light new hospital room on the 11th floor is uplifting.
“It’s very nice and a lot different from the old place. It’s got a beautiful view and I can wave to my wife from here,” Ralph quipped.
Indeed patient rooms all have floor to ceiling windows to take advantage of views across the Blue Mountains and Nepean Valley.
Commissioning Manager for the new Nepean Hospital, Zena Wilson, says it’s been a marathon effort from all staff to make the building ready to deliver clinical care but the rewards are priceless.

“The wards are beautiful. Patients and families are saying it’s like a five star hotel. It’s so important our patients and their families feel comfortable and welcome in our Hospital while we’re delivering world class care,” says Zena, who is also a very experienced senior nurse and midwife.
“The same appreciation is shared by our staff who are really enjoying being able to work in such a wonderful environment with such great views.”
“We’ve done extensive planning and preparation including staff training in the new building to ensure services continue while we make the move. We really appreciate the community’s support and understanding as we settle into our new home.
The new building is the first stage of a once in a generation redevelopment of Nepean Hospital which is truly revolutionising health care.
Nepean Hospital Building A includes:
• 18 new birthing suites – 14 include water baths
• Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
• More than 16 operating theatres
• Additional beds in contemporary and bright inpatient units
• An expanded Emergency Department (opening late 2022)
• A roof-top helipad
Construction on Stage Two is set to get underway later this year.