The Lions Club of Penrith returned to Southlands shopping centre on the 31st of March and 1st of April, to continue their ongoing project to collect donated groceries for those in need.
All of the donated groceries are passed on to local and state charities and are used to help people who are homeless, affected by floods and other natural disasters or have just fallen on hard times and need some assistance.
With the help of the Southlands and Woolworths staff and with the incredible generosity of the local people, the Lions Club collected over 850kg of food and other personal items. All of this was delivered to Food Bank at Glendenning, which is currently assisting those affected by the floods as well as many others in need.
The Lions Club of Penrith will be back at Southlands every couple of months to continue collecting groceries for charities such as Food Bank, Mama Lana’s and Penrith Community Kitchen, so please look out for our members and we look forward to the incredibly generous ongoing support from all of the people who shop at Southlands.
If you are interested in finding out more about how the Lions Club supports our local community, or you would like information about how to become involved in any of our many community projects, please contact Lion Danny Rowe on mobile 0407 677 158 or email darowe357@googlemail.com