Puppy Pre School: Setting Your Puppy Up for Success

By Kellie Tickner, Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital Administrator

AS our children return to the classroom, it’s also an ideal time to consider enrolling our puppies in their own form of schooling. At Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital, we offer Puppy Pre School and Adolescent Dog classes that provide structured socialisation in a safe and nurturing environment. These classes are designed not only to help your puppy interact with other dogs of a similar age but also to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for raising a well-adjusted pet.

The Importance of Early Socialisation

Our Puppy Pre School classes are specifically tailored for puppies aged eight to fourteen weeks—a critical developmental period. During this time, puppies are naturally curious and more receptive to new experiences. This makes it an excellent opportunity to introduce them to the diverse world they will inhabit, filled with various sights, sounds, and smells. Exposing them to everyday stimuli such as cars, bicycles, loud noises, and different scents helps them develop coping strategies for situations that may initially seem daunting.

This early exposure is crucial because it helps prevent fear and anxiety later in life. Puppies that miss this vital window of socialization may struggle with unfamiliar situations, leading to a lifetime of apprehension and stress. Our classes are designed to provide a controlled environment where puppies can explore and interact with different elements of the human world, ensuring they grow up to be confident and well-adjusted dogs.

Learning Through Positive Reinforcement

One of the key principles of our Puppy Preschool program is positive reinforcement. This approach makes learning enjoyable for puppies, reinforcing the idea that good behaviour results in rewards. Our trained instructors teach owners about various aspects of dog care, including socialisation, dog communication, and general pet care. They also cover essential topics like vet care, child and dog safety, and how to address undesirable behaviours.

Over a five-week period, both you and your puppy will gain practical knowledge that sets the foundation for a strong and healthy relationship. You’ll learn to understand your puppy’s natural behaviours, setting realistic expectations and ensuring that your pet becomes a cherished member of the family.

Extending Education to Adolescent Dogs

For those who may have missed early puppy classes or need additional support, we also offer adolescent dog training classes. These are suitable for dogs from six months of age who may require extra assistance with their training. Just like children, adolescent dogs can go through challenging phases. Our classes provide guidance to help navigate these stages, reinforcing positive behaviours and addressing any emerging issues.

Building a Lifelong Bond

The goal of our Puppy Pre School is not just to teach basic obedience but to foster a deep bond between you and your pet. By understanding your puppy’s behaviour and learning how to communicate effectively, you set the stage for a trusting and fulfilling relationship. A well-socialised and well-trained dog is not only a joy to have around but also a responsible member of the community.

For more information about our Puppy Pre School and Adolescent Dog classes, please contact our friendly team at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital on 0247 362 027. We look forward to helping you and your puppy start this exciting journey together.