Followers of local area commands of facebook will have noticed there’s a new ‘pet detective’ on the block, appearing in many posts from Mt Druitt Police Area Command.
Last week all was revealed about how this little ball of cuteness won the hearts of our local cops and earned a place on the Force.
“The gentleman in the photo below is Detective Chief Inspector Tickner and the gorgeous little man on his shoulder is our Mounty. Mounty was found in a very, very bad way by Mr Tickner in bushes not too far from the Mt Druitt Police Station on 11 December 2024,” a spokesperson wrote on the station’s Facebook page.

“Mr Tickner brought him to the station and put him in the care of someone to make sure he survived.
“Shortly after being found, Mounty attended the vet and was estimated to be born on 7 November 2024. He is a real baby. Mounty knows who saved him and sits on Mr Tickner’s shoulder and regularly gets petted.
“Detective Superintendent Batchelor is the Commander of Mt Druitt Police Area Command (PAC). Mr Batchelor is the man who gave Mounty a home. After Mounty recovered, Mr Batchelor welcomed him into Mt Druitt PAC so he would have a forever home and staff could benefit from time with a pet.
“Mounty is always happy to cuddle Mr Batchelor.
“These are the gentlemen who saved Mounty and gave him a home.”

Well done gentlemen, and what a great addition, Mt Druitt Police! Anyone wishing to follow Mounty’s career in the Force can do so by following their Facebook page: Mt Druitt Police Area Command.
Mounty might make appearances in Nepean News from time to time as well!