Vacation care boost for frontline workers

Children from vulnerable backgrounds or whose parents work as frontline workers are the focus of a pilot program aimed at providing better access to quality vacation care.

Grants of up to $30,000 have assisted services to provide engaging opportunities like sports and nutrition programs, excursions, cooking and art workshops. Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies said vacation care services play a vital role in meeting the needs of our community.

“Students have worked so hard over the last few terms at school and they deserve to have fun and entertaining programs during their holiday break,” Mrs Davies said.

“I am so pleased to know one service in Mulgoa that has benefitted from these vacation grants.”

The NSW Government Vacation Care Grant has been awarded to St Clair OOSH who have received $10,000 to support them in providing the care needed for the children who attend the centre.

Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said the funding will allow services to provide experiences for students through incursions and excursions, as well as upgrades to equipment, resources and transport.

“This service is crucial for parents and carers who may not be able to get time off work to look after their children during school holidays,” Ms Mitchell said.

“We want children to be excited to walk through the doors of their vacation care and look forward to spending time there. I’ve seen some of the great programs available, like inviting local sports stars to talk and workshops with writers to inspire students. This will provide enriching opportunities for students in vacation care.”