A promise kept

IN the trenches of the Western Front during World War I, a soldier said to his dying mate “I’ll look after the missus and kids”. This became known as The Promise.

Realising the dire circumstances of the tens of thousands of veterans, widows and children left behind, those who returned set out to help them. In 1923, Major General Sir John Gellibrand formed the Remembrance Club in Hobart. Another returning soldier, Lieutenant General Sir Stanley Savige, was inspired to establish a similar club in Melbourne which was named Legacy.

In responding to the needs of families of veterans for 100 years, Legacy, in conjunction with the network of Legacy Clubs throughout regional and metropolitan Australia, stands proudly as the veteran service organisation in Australia dedicated solely to the care and support of our veterans’ families.

Legacy Week kicked off this week with a 100 year history. 

“We pay special tribute to Legacy for their support for the families of those Australian Defence Force personnel who served our country and gave the ultimate sacrifice as a result of their service,” said Penrith MP Karen McKeown OAM.

“Legacy was built on a promise to a dying soldier, to look after his family and 100 years on that promise continues to be kept, an amazing achievement and one we are all thankful for. Please support the volunteers and buy a badge.

“In Penrith we recently had the Legacy Centenary Torch Relay proudly held here by David Trist and supported by local Eric Easterbrook who is Chairman of Legacy Australia”