Celebrating ten years of the Penrith CBD Corporation

A fun event was held last week at Panthers to celebrate Penrith CBD Corporation’s 10 year milestone.  Those in attendance were treated to a video showing all of the events that CEO Gai Hawthorn OAM and the team at the CBD Corp have organised over the last ten years.  It was a trip down memory lane and a great way to reminisce over the last decade.  

Photos by Orbit Marketing and Megan Dunn.  Supplied by Penrith CBD Corporation.

Ten years ago the Penrith CBD Corporation was formed.  They work closely with Penrith City Council and key business partners to assist and support local business owners, retailers and restaurants “unlock the opportunities” and grow their business ready for our cities future. Little did anyone know at that time, Penrith was about to embark on an incredible transformation.  You only need to take a five minute drive or a half hour walk around the city to see it has improved by leaps and bounds over the past ten years.  What was once thought of as just an outer western Sydney suburb is now a vibrant thriving city at the foot of the mountains. 

Steering the CBD Corporation ship is Gai Hawthorn – a well-respected CEO who is most definitely a mover and shaker.  As a newspaper editor I’ve worked with Gai over the 12 years that she has been managing the Penrith Business District and I can tell you there is nothing this woman cannot do.  It is not unusual for her to be juggling several huge projects at any given time, and in between she’s busy helping charities, small businesses and promoting Penrith at every given opportunity. 

Congratulations to Gai and the team; Beth, Berni and Derek, and to all past and present Board Members for your incredible contribution.