Council throws support behind dazzling Indian dance showcase

Local performers from Indian dance school Abirami Natya Shestra will soon take the stage for their annual showcase.

A highly anticipated dance showcase will be held at The Joan this month – and famous Indian actress and Bharatanatyam dancer, Lakshmi Gopalaswamy, is coming to Penrith to lead the dazzling event.  

Penrith City Council is throwing its support behind the ninth annual Abirami Natya Shestra concert, with Councillors voting during the September Ordinary Meeting to donate $3000 to help the popular dance school put on the drawcard event.   

Councillor Marlene Shipley called on her Councillor colleagues to contribute $1000 from each ward and was met with support of her request.  

“There are some big expenses with costumes and the dance lessons, so this funding will help to cover the cost of hiring The Joan,” Cr Shipley said.  

Newly elected Penrith Mayor Todd Carney said Council was thrilled to be welcoming a renowned, international star to Penrith for an exciting event in the City’s multicultural community.  

“Our Local Government Area is home to people of many diverse backgrounds that enrich the pages of Penrith’s story, and Council is pleased to support an opportunity for residents to showcase their heritage and talent,” Cr Carney said.  

“It is fantastic to hear that Indian actress and dancer Lakshmi Gopalaswamy will grace the stage with talented local dancers of all ages – I am certain the event will bring together attendees from near and far in our city centre,” he said.  

Around 110 dancers will be performing at The Joan for the Abirami Natya Shestra concert on Saturday 21 October.  

Director and Choreographer, Meera Joy, said the school was “very grateful” for the donation in the lead up to the event.  

“We are thankful to Council for helping us – people will get to see all kinds of exciting dancing styles like classical, semi-classical, fusion dance and lots more,” Mrs Joy said.  

The event starts at 4pm and tickets cost $60 per adult and $30 for children.  

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