NASHOs Anniversary Memorial Service

Photo supplied by Maureen Gildart

Penrith National Serviceman’s Association ANSA Inc (NASHOs) held its 18th Anniversary Memorial Service and Tribute Laying Ceremony on 28th May at Victoria Park, St Marys, with a parade commencing at 11.00am. The purpose of this service is in remembrance of all people who served as National Servicemen between 1951 to 1972, and all Penrith National Servicemen are remembered, both living and deceased.  Penrith City ANSA Inc received its charter and flag on the 7th April 2002, with the current membership at 54.

Flight Lieutenant Michael Bros and the 323 Australian Air Force Cadet Unit provided the Catafalque Party and Guard of Honour, assisted by the local Army Cadet Unit.

The President of Penrith NASHOs Mr Roy Young opened the service, Mr Harry May, Secretary of Penrith City ANSA, said the National Serviceman‘s Prayer of Remembrance.

Local Federal MP Melissa McIntosh, State MP Prue Car and Penrith City Mayor Todd Carney all gave addresses, followed by a piper from Penrith RSL Pipes and Drums.

Following the laying of wreaths, Mr May recited the National Serviceman’s Ode and Tyler Watson played the Last Post and Reveille.

“The day would not have a success without the acknowledgement of the following,” said Publicity Officer Maureen Gildart.

“Penrith City Council for the excellent job of maintaining the grounds and our Memorial, the Lions Club of Emu Plans for their support with the BBQ, Ropes Crossing Girl Guides Association, Tyler Watson, our Piper from Penrith RSL Pipes & Drums, Melissa McIntosh MP, Graham Larkham, the committee of Penrith NASHOs Association and all the people in attendance who made the day a success.

“Next years Service will be on 25th May, 2025.  We are looking for new members and  I encourage all people who served, either as National Servicemen or are a family member of a National Serviceman, and have either served or are serving (aged 18 years or older).

“We meet on the third Sunday of the month, except for September’s meeting which is on the fourth Sunday.”

Penrith National Serviceman’s Association ANSA Inc (NASHOs) held its 18th Anniversary Memorial Service and Tribute Laying Ceremony on 28th May at Victoria Park, St Marys, with a parade commencing at 11.00am. The purpose of this service is in remembrance of all people who served as National Servicemen between 1951 to 1972, and all Penrith National Servicemen are remembered, both living and deceased.  Penrith City ANSA Inc received its charter and flag on the 7th April 2002, with the current membership at 54.

Flight Lieutenant Michael Bros and the 323 Australian Air Force Cadet Unit provided the Catafalque Party and Guard of Honour, assisted by the local Army Cadet Unit.

The President of Penrith NASHOs Mr Roy Young opened the service, Mr Harry May, Secretary of Penrith City ANSA, said the National Serviceman‘s Prayer of Remembrance.

Local Federal MP Melissa McIntosh, State MP Prue Car and Penrith City Mayor Todd Carney all gave addresses, followed by a piper from Penrith RSL Pipes and Drums.

Following the laying of wreaths, Mr May recited the National Serviceman’s Ode and Tyler Watson played the Last Post and Reveille.

“The day would not have a success without the acknowledgement of the following,” said Publicity Officer Maureen Gildart.

“Penrith City Council for the excellent job of maintaining the grounds and our Memorial, the Lions Club of Emu Plans for their support with the BBQ, Ropes Crossing Girl Guides Association, Tyler Watson, our Piper from Penrith RSL Pipes & Drums, Melissa McIntosh MP, Graham Larkham, the committee of Penrith NASHOs Association and all the people in attendance who made the day a success.

“Next years Service will be on 25th May, 2025.  We are looking for new members and  I encourage all people who served, either as National Servicemen or are a family member of a National Serviceman, and have either served or are serving (aged 18 years or older).

“We meet on the third Sunday of the month, except for September’s meeting which is on the fourth Sunday.”