Passionate. Pride. Penrith.

FOR the month of October, Penrith has a very important job. It’s to turn the whole town PINK.

A few years back McGrath Foundation selected Penrith as the first metropolitan area to head the Pink Up Your Town Campaign.

Now in its 6th year, Penrith has really made
a difference and on behalf of all those who have been affected by Breast Cancer, a big THANK YOU. 

“On behalf of the 1 in 7 women (yes 57 people are diagnosed every day in Australia including 212 men this year) their families, their friends. colleagues and loved ones we ask you to join us again,” said Gai Hawthorn OAM, President and Ambassador of Pink Up Penrith.

“We have such a tight knit community here and I know we will band together again to raise money for Breast Care Nurses that help individuals (and their families) affected by breast cancer. 

“A super committee consisting of business owners from Penrith and St Marys is dedicated to bring the town together to create and encourage local businesses, groups, schools to plan fundraising events to fund specialist McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities across Australia. The Committee hopes the entire town will turn pink and get on board for a worthy cause!”


Will you join in and do something PINK? Send us your ideas and your pics to appear in Nepean News! Email us at and let’s show what we can achieve when we all get behind a great cause!