Western Sydney International Airport conducts free kids holiday program

THE team at the Western Sydney International (WSI) Experience Centre will be hosting fun and interactive free activities over the school holidays to keep all kids, big and  small, entertained. 

The activities range from arts and craft through to guided educational workshops such as Sydney Zoo’s immersive wildlife workshops, Bee Hotels, Lego Workshops, Farm to Plate workshops, food art workshops and much more.  

Katy Hannouch, General Manager, Community Engagement and Social Impact at WSI, said that the activities are commonly targeted to the under 12’s, however, they are open to all.  

“The holiday program starts on 16th December 2023 through to 31st January 2024 and will run each week – Saturdays to Wednesdays. 

“The free workshops have limited availability, so bookings are required”, said Ms Hannouch. 

The WSI holiday activities program will be held at the Western Sydney International Experience Centre at 100 Eaton Road, Luddenham. Free parking is available. 

The WSI Experience Centre will be closed on public holidays and on Thursdays and Fridays throughout the holidays. 

Full details and bookings can be made via the WSI website https://westernsydney.com.au/your-airport/school-holiday-program