Brighter Day for ending youth suicide in Western Sydney

Federal Member for Lindsay, Melissa McIntosh MP, joins Youth Insearch CEO Stephen Lewin and General Manager Leann Tibbey at Penrith Plaza to raise awareness on ending youth suicide.

IT was a bright day in Westfields Penrith, when the Youth Insearch team brought their Brighter Day campaign to Western Sydney, and were joined by the local Member for Lindsay, Melissa McIntosh, who is also the Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

The Brighter Day campaign is held in End Youth Suicide Week, and is a great initiative to raise funds and awareness for young Australians who are at risk of youth suicide.

“Too many young Australians feel invisible when they experience mental health problems, and sadly this can lead to suicide, the biggest killer of young Australians aged 15-24,” said Mrs McIntosh.

“It is crucial that families get the help they need for young people experiencing mental ill health, with access to direct face-to-face support essential for improving their mental wellbeing when they are struggling.

“Youth Insearch do fantastic work here around the country, with their youth peer to peer services, and collaboration with the community to help break the cycle of youth suicide and create lasting change.

“Currently, Youth Insearch has identified a rising demand for specialised youth mental health services in the Nepean region and are bringing their services, that makes such a difference in the lives of young people, to the local area.

“I am so encouraged that Youth Insearch will be expanding their work in our community by soon having a dedicated full time social worker.

This week is End Youth Suicide Week, held on Monday 19 to Friday 23 February. It is an important national awareness campaign which encourages young people to openly talk about their mental health with their friends, families, and communities.

Since 1985, Youth Insearch has supported at-risk youth by creating safe spaces where young people with lived experience support each other to heal from trauma, make meaningful peer connections, improve mental wellbeing, and overcome life challenges.

All donations to the Brighter Day campaign will help fund support services for young Australians experiencing suicidal thoughts and help create a brighter future where young people experiencing trauma can access the face-to-face care they need.

Please visit htps:// or call Youth Insearch on (02) 8855 9700 for more information on the Brighter Day campaign.