Community Anzac Day Service to return to Emu Plains

THE Federal Member for Lindsay, Melissa McIntosh MP, has been working alongside local residents and community organisations to bring back the much-loved community ANZAC Day Service to Emu Plains.

The service was previously run by residents, but had to stop a few years ago due to the increasing administrative burden of holding public events, including public liability insurance.

A small group of locals still gathered at the Melrose Park Cenotaph each year to pay their respects, and there has been a groundswell of community support to bring the service back.

“Along with organisations including the City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch, the National Servicemen’s Association (NASHOS), the Emu Plains Lions Club, the Nepean District Historical Society, the Emu Plains Girl Guides, Nepean Valley Trefoil Guild and Emu Plains Anglican Church, we have been working hard to return the service to Emu Plains,” said Mrs McIntosh.

“We had a few hurdles to jump over, but I am pleased we now have public liability insurance covered. That was the biggest issue to ensure the service could take place.

“Recently, Penrith Council approved our traffic management plan, so we now have the green light to make this beautiful service happen. The Emu Plains Community ANZAC Service has been a true grassroots community event that is so meaningful to local families. We want to keep it community-focused, as that is what makes it so special in honouring our veterans, who gave the greatest sacrifice, and current serving defence personnel.

“We have a really dedicated group of locals, from people organising the service, to residents offering rosemary and their home on the day. We are also very grateful for the support of Dukes Estate Agents in Emu Plains, who are sponsoring the hire of the PA system and chairs. Everyone is working together in the true spirit of community.”

Speaking on the Emu Plains Community ANZAC Service, Penrith RSL sub-Branch Secretary Peter Ward said, “The City of Penrith sub-Branch are extremely happy to be involved on the local committee. We have been working hard to ensure all proper protocols are followed in recognition of our veterans, past and present, in particular those who have paid the supreme sacrifice.”

The Emu Plains Community ANZAC Day Service will be held at 11am on ANZAC Day, 25th of
April, at the Emu Plains War Memorial (Melrose Cenotaph) at Lions Park, Emu Plains. RSVP isn’t essential, but the organisers would be grateful to hear from community members who want to attend, to get an idea of numbers, this being the first service in Emu Plains for a few years.

Please email or call (02) 4722 0600.