Help shape the future of Penrith

PENRITH City Council is pleased to present two new strategies to build on the vision for a city where people can live, work and play. Both the draft Economic Development Strategy and the Visitor Economy Strategy are now on exhibition from 11 October to 8 November 2023 to seek feedback, and for the community to engage in these important plans.

There has never been a better time to be in Penrith. Already a strong regional economic driver and a much-loved visitor destination, the strategies set out a plan for sustainable growth and how to increase the number of local jobs available for residents.

Penrith Mayor Todd Carney said the draft strategies, which build on Council’s strong leadership in economic development and the visitor economy, provide our community with an opportunity to help shape the future of our City.  

“Penrith is experiencing transformational change across our City through unprecedented investment from all levels of government in infrastructure and open space/recreation projects – this will be a magnet for investors and visitors alike,” Cr Carney said.

“We know our region already has strong visitor appeal with over 1.6 million visitors annually, this will accelerate rapidly when we open to the world, being the closest city centre to the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.

“These strategies are a comprehensive plan of action to support economic growth and sustainable development, as well as enhancing lifestyle and experiences for locals and visitors across the city.

“We’re inviting residents, members of our business community, and key stakeholders to share their input on these preliminary strategies during the exhibition period.”   

The vision is to build on Penrith’s strengths by attracting investment and nurturing favourable conditions for local businesses to prosper. These strategies have been developed through a collaborative process with input from key stakeholders including local businesses, industry groups, government agencies, and community representatives. 

Have your Say! View the documents online at or for hard copies, visit the Penrith Civic Centre, St Marys Business Office or any Penrith City Library.   

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What is the Draft Economic Development Strategy (EDS)?

The aim of the EDS 2031 is to support growth of the local economy and create jobs closer to home for our residents. The draft strategy identifies areas of growth and where additional jobs can be delivered through targeted policies and actions. Advocating for investment in land servicing, transportation connectivity, research and development partnerships, urban upgrading initiatives, education and training programs can all support further jobs growth.

What is the Visitor Economy Strategy (VES)?

Penrith is undergoing rapid and significant change. It is becoming a vibrant, world-class city with quality amenity connected to a diverse range of opportunities for employment, leisure, and lifestyle. Penrith is well placed to grow the visitor economy for the benefit of residents and visitors. The VES provides a roadmap for all stakeholders to take advantage of these opportunities and the major infrastructure developments occurring in and around the LGA. The VES has been developed as an initiative of Council to provide ongoing coordination, advocacy, and support to the tourism industry stakeholders and the community.