St Marys RSL’s Remembrance Day Commemoration

ON November 11th, St Marys RSL sub-Branch will commemorate Remembrance Day from 10.00am at Victoria Park, a time when fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers are acknowledged for the countless sacrifices they had made during the first world war. Its significance is seen through the heart-stopping statistic, more than 60,000 Australian soldiers and nurses were killed in tragic conflict. Lest We Forget.

All are welcome to participate in the Service, so as to ensure that all the fallen – sailors, soldiers, air crew and nurses are remembered appropriately.

This year, we also commemorate the Centenary of construction of St Marys’ most significant War Memorial … the Bandstand within Victoria Park.  The St Marys and District Historical Society will relate the historical significance of the Memorial and will mount a display in the Park.

Weather permitting, students from several schools will perform a march-past within the Park and will then participate in the Service.  There will also be a special presentation by a group from Cobar in the central west of our State.

So, come along to the St Marys Remembrance Day Service, or to one of many similar Services conducted by RSL sub-Branches across our Nation.

Currently, NSW is home to around 340 RSL sub-Branches. There are 30,000 members that have joined RSL NSW within various membership categories, including Service and Affiliate members. Service Members include both serving and ex-serving persons, female and male, Reservists and Regular, Navy/Army/Air Force – they are ALL Veterans.  Each sub-Branch provides support services as well as commemoration and camaraderie to local veterans and their families.

In order to maximise veteran welfare, assistance, and suicide prevention, RSL NSW advocates on behalf of veterans and their families with the government – for example, to assist all veterans during the Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide, RSL NSW established a Royal Commission Office.  RSL sub-Branches are available to assist veterans and their family as they recover from mental or physical health issues, and assist with welfare issues or advocacy assistance with Department of Veterans Affairs claims.

The St Marys Outpost Veterans Centre, locally, is also fully skilled and ready to provide a wide range of services for veterans and their family, to support them or assist those veterans who need assistance with Department of Veteran Affairs claims.

RSL Clubs and RSL sub-Branches are not the same – they are two distinctly separate organisations. The ‘RSL sub-Branch’ represents the thousands of people who have served our country in uniform, and while an ‘RSL Club’ or ‘Diggers Club’ was originally founded by ex-service members, the sub-Branch is now fully independent from the club today. However, the club still supports our local veterans.

If you are interested in helping veterans create a better life, or if you are seeking help yourself, or just curious, contact your local RSL sub-Branch to see how you can help.  For St Marys RSL sub-Branch, contact the Secretary – or 0414 557 692.