Walk It Off Australia Inc launches Warragamba Group

Walk It Off Australia Inc (WIO) launched its Warragamba Group on Wednesday night 20th March, with approximately 35 men in attendance.

Chris Edwards, founder of the Warragamba group said “Walk It Off is a grassroots, community-based, mental health support initiative, that independently supports men who may be struggling to cope with life’s pressures. WIO is also a not-for-profit support group that encourages open and honest conversations and support around mental health. This initiative started 2 years ago in Springwood, followed by Terrigal and also the development of a women’s support group.

“The last seven months since I began attending WIO, not only am I in a more positive mindset but my physical health has greatly improved. It is these positive changes within myself that drove me to seek a new location to expand the WIO community.

“We’re pleased to announce a new location to expand the WIO community in Warragamba. We would also like to thank Danny and the team at Warra Dam Bakery Cafe, who have come on board to support WIO.
Not only providing a place for WIO to meet, but in doing so supporting the surrounding community.

“In closing, I would like to mention that WIO is a registered charity and any further support would be greatly appreciated. We currently have over 1,000 followers on social media, with a reach of over 7,500, with high levels of post engagement.”

For more information follow the link, because as they say in WIO ‘Change STARTS with a conversation’. https://walkitoff.org.au/