Melissa McIntosh MP recognises local achievers 

Melissa McIntosh, Federal Member for Lindsay hosted the inaugural Lindsay Awards event at Quest Penrith last week. 

“We have the best community in the country, and I was so proud to recognise a few of our locals at the inaugural Lindsay Awards event, which brought together the finalists across six categories,” Mrs McIntosh said.

“A huge congratulations to all our finalists and the very well deserved award winners! Thank you to the judges Gai Hawthorn OAM, CEO of Penrith CBD Corp And Jo Tomic, Manager of St Marys Town Centre.”

The Lindsay Educator of the Year: Monique Wilson

The Lindsay Youth Achiever of the Year: Keysha Celeban

The Lindsay Community Service Award: Sue Wellings

The Lindsay Healthy Active Living Award: Darren Horgan

The Lindsay Aussie Made Business Award: Alan and Karen Bentley from Nepean Swim & Fitness

The Lindsay Woman in Leadership Award: Amanda Little

Cecelia Elliot
Amy Galea
Wendy Graham
Luke Hepburn
Tricia Hitchen
Gareth Jones
Melinda Leyshon
Julie Sheldrake
Olivia Slevin
Emma Snell
Courtney Wood

Well done to all, we have such high achievers in the Penrith region!