Prue Car’s shock kidney cancer diagnosis 

IT was quite a shock early this week when NSW Deputy Labor Leader, Londonderry MP Prue Car announced on social media that she has been diagnosed with kidney cancer and will be taking some time out to address the health issue. 

At just 39 years old, Prue has a nine year old son Max and a supportive and intuitive partner Brad, who convinced her to get herself checked when she had mild but unusual symptoms.


Friends, I have some hard news to share. 

Following some recent tests I was found to have a large tumour on my kidney.

It would be no surprise for me to tell you this was quite a shock.

Prognosis is looking positive, but I will be taking some leave for cancer treatment over the coming weeks. Unfortunately this means I won’t be able to see you out and about our community for a little while.

My team at the Londonderry Electorate Office is still available to assist, so please feel free to get in touch at 9833 1122 or

I look forward to being back out and about soon fighting for our community. I am buoyed by such loving support from my wonderful family, friends, colleagues and my beloved local community – thank you for your support.

Ms Car told Ben Fordham during an interview on Tuesday that her symptoms were tiredness and headaches. She firstly put it down to being a working mum, but then visited her GP and had some tests done. When the diagnosis turned out to be kidney cancer, she said it was a shock to hear that word. 

Ms Car said her thoughts were about what was going to happen, family and a need to look out for everyone. She said many people had contacted her and shared their own cancer stories.  

“I’m just overwhelmed by how many have contacted me and shared their own story, young and old.  One of my constituents even contacted my office offering their kidney, so that was a bit of a surprise.” 

Ms Car posted a message on social media on Tuesday thanking everyone for their concern. 

“Thank you to everyone who has wished me well since I announced my cancer diagnosis yesterday, I am so buoyed by the overwhelming support I have received.

Thanks to Ben Fordham for having me on the show this morning to raise awareness of the importance of early detection in treating any cancer. If you are experiencing any worrying symptoms, please see your doctor, regardless of how minor or explicable. 

Lots of you have asked where to send flowers, in lieu of flowers, I ask you to make a donation to the Cancer Council NSW.

The Cancer Council have been an invaluable organisation and resource for so many families who are impacted by cancer, including mine. 

You can make a donation here:

Thank you again for your support – I look forward to seeing you all soon.”

We hope Prue Car has a speedy recovery and wish her all the best with her treatment and look forward to seeing her again soon.