Spooky immersive audio experience on now

Strange voices have been heard in The Joan’s foyers. Sometimes they’re voices. Sometimes they’re full of conversations.

Using a handheld device and a set of headphones, audiences can tune in and listen. Ghost is a 15 – 20-minute self-guided audio experience designed for The Joan that offers a twist on the classic ghost story.

It’s somewhere between a museum tour, video game and podcast.

This is a free on-demand event. Jump the queue by booking a session in advance now.

Ghost is Directed by Nick Atkins and presented by Operated Coin and Q Theatre Company. Operated Coin finds new ways to make shared experiences for audiences by mixing theatre and technology.

This initiative is proudly supported by the NSW Government through the Culture Up Late Western Sydney program.

Ghost is on now weeknights from 5pm until Friday 1 March at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre. Tickets: FREE. Bookings essential: www.thejoan.com.au/events/ghost/